Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Busy week~

I can say tis week is a busy week!bcoz my schedule already full!!!
Oh yeah,hav test,den assignment,project,n others!!!woohoo~
Hahahaha ^.^
Like the way I busy till I will forget myself,Hahahaha ^.*
Now,I'm studying for my test business management,all the best to u STAR XIN!I CAN DO IT!!!fight for my target,to archive my goals I nid to hav conceptual skills to think more about my future....Hahahaha ^.^ show off of my business management subject~kidding ;-)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Wat a good and bad experience~

Hav to off my Chinese new year mood and start my college day today~Is not wat I want but hav to =.= feel not enuf for new year holiday~
wake up early in the morning at 6am,den my mum brought me to the train station coz I m going to experience it...1st time went to KTM nearby my house alone,rushing to bought the ticket coz the train arrived when I'm still buying the ticket...
And den reach subang jaya,I follow those students to wait the INTI bus coz I dunno where is the direction...well btw I m smart and brave enuf...hahaha ^.^
Class ended b4 4pm,my cousin told me tat there's the last session of bus fetching us at 4.30pm den I went to wait it...who noe I wait till 4.30pm,the bus wasn't here...omg~finally we noe tat the bus had broke down...we gonna walk to the subang train station,wth @.@
I dunno the way also,so I follow the students again as I m so smart rite...hahaha ^.^ guess wat,I had walk about 30mins,reach ktm the train jus went off...I m like!!!!!
Ok,well~wait another 30mins the train comes again,but I m so tiring edi...sweating all the way,now I noe tat I m blessed...I got everything's I wan n I will much more appreciate it ^.^

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The 5th & 6th day~

Jus back to my home sweet home~is tiring @.@ but let me update my blog 1st~
Actually I wanna update it yesterday but yesterday drank too much become drunk,hahaha :-D the 1st time i drunk,and den I get nightmare again,I dreamed u~question:y are u always appear in my dream?! I dunno am I drunk or not,but the next morning I felt my headache,get a shower,had my breakfast and I went to swim,to release the emotional...
Well,we went to alot of temple and pray,get a good divination stick,yea and I hope it will become a true~
Here comes the photos my Thailand trip~END!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


嗯,現在還在泰国勒!上載一些照片分享 ^.*

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


新年期間和家人一起看的一部電影!我覚得很不錯哦。既刺激又感動的戲,十分我給九分,另一分是因為還有進步的空間嘛!哈哈 :D
嗯,最好笑的是因為這部片是18歲以上才可觀看,可我妹膽大包天的進入電影院,害得我們一直被管理員叫住,但我爸叫我們不要理他們。結果坐下來了,管理員還找上我們,我哥一直反駁。最後還是那我們沒法!哈哈 ^.^
這部片其實在講述一個家庭有四個成員,結果父母因為不合,媽決定帶着弟離開。選擇離開那爛賭的老爸,讓哥和爸相依畏命。弟當上了警察,而哥卻是一名嫌犯。媽要弟找回失散多年的哥,卻發生了很多情節,要大家去觀看才了解!賣關子先,哈哈 :-p


新年期間相信大家都很忙吧!哈哈 ^.^ 包括星公主在內,但是我會在忙里偷閒更新我的部落格~就在夜深人靜的時候上載一些照片和大家分享 (^.^)

Friday, January 20, 2012


說好話 開心笑哈哈
換上新衣 帶新帽
舉起手 唱啦啦啦啦
沒煩憂 來開心過年
生活里 有苦辣酸甜
人總要 學會快樂一點
舉起手 唱啦啦啦啦
向前走 來開心過年
祝福你 天天是好天

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My New College Life~

I think I had mention tat I m gonna to change college last few post,yea~here I'm to share my new college life!
It's really and totally different compare wif my ex college...omg! I really dunno isn't it gd or not,but one thing I can sure is really feel stressful!!!
Imagine the day when I step into tis college,i already feel tat...bcoz of the environment,ppl and my programme changed!everything's starts again once~
sigh,u noe the 1st day before I went into my class,I was so worried,coz I m a person who really active and seriously out of sudden I had to change to study business~oh!crap!!! In my imagination,business students should be like serious,hardworking and smart...
But luckily,when I enter my class,it's all not in my imagination,they are all well friendly...great!!!
Well,the study environment is really different,it's great!!
And gonna tell u,the class started jus few days,we gonna hav test edi,damn stressful,everyday go to college early in the morning evening only I back,back to home got homework somemore,do revision...tis are all to become my habit,sometimes I really feel not enuf time...
It's 2am now,still burning oil in the midnight jus to fight for my test tmr~aka!
All the best for myself :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

夜晚。心靈點撥 •

睡前分享下小知識 ^.^


結果又塞着車,天啊,可別把我的皮膚曬黑啊!因為要接近新年了可要保養地美美的 ^.^
附上自拍照,哈哈 (^.^) 沒法啊,塞着車的樂趣...(PS:各位請匆學哦,壞習慣!專心駕駛最重要! :-p)

Sunday, January 15, 2012



Saturday, January 14, 2012

Jus a day~

Hi guys,ntg much to share today coz is jus a normal day~ ^.^
hmmm...wake up early in the morning helping my mum to clean the house coz CNY coming soon...
Den chatting wif a friend who never meet him since we graduate frm NS...hahaha ^.^ glad to noe he is doing gd...hope to see him when got the chance...
Night time,my neighbourhood bustling wif noise,coz they having a party for a baby...ok,of course we are been invited...so had my dinner wif my family there~but I no chance to see the baby coz she is sleeping scared to disturb so nvm la,sure got next time ^.^
And tat it is for today ^.^

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Small Gathering but Full of Love <3

Just back from a small gathering,actually I noe they jus plan it on the last minute but u noe wat is glad to see all of them...how I miss them so much <3 Hahahaha~
Especially my "special person"...it had been such a long time I didnt see all of them since I graduate till now,my frens all still tot I already disappear in tis world...well,I m always here~ ^.^
btw it's really a great time having fun wif them my juniors!!!his mandarin still tat 'cacat' but the most happy is I meet wif a friend who very close to me since form 1...we are as close as finger and nails...
We noe each other is really a fate since the times we are librarian till form 5,work together,study together and play together...still feel my high school life is the most memorable and sweet times seriously,I swear for it~
but now we study in different college,seldom got the time to hang out together~although our house is jus nearby,feel so embarrassing...
anyway I dunno why whenever together I like to listen she call me 榮秀凤,and same goes like me will call her 華振邦~funny rite~
but yea tat's us...and like the way I lying on her shoulder...
So yeap,a small gathering but tat's full of love wif laughter coz maybe I too miss them edi but is so wasted I forget to take photo,sigh~how could I forget it,yea coz i gonna rush to fetch my younger bro...nvm la,next time show u our lovely picture,I bet they will still hav gathering~ ^.^
How's ur day today share to me~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Ooopppps~忘了對自己的承諾!在新的一年里告訴我自己,要向前看,以前的我是怎樣的一個我都不重要啦!流過的淚水、痛苦的痛苦、跌倒的跌倒、傷心的傷心,一切都過了也在2011年的最後一天畫上句點。Everything's Just Stop Right Here~謝謝!
哈哈 ^.^ 很高興又可以找回以前那蹦蹦跳跳、活泼又開朗的我!有一陣子真的很忙,忙著找回属於真正的我,所謂真正的我就是自己的本性。也許很多人都會像我一樣,有些時候因為環境的改變或是身邊一些朋友的改變會讓自己變得很不像自己了!善變吧!心一旦被動搖了就讓自己原有的本性藏起來了。
回想起小學、中學到進了學院踏入社會,你一直都在改變包括我,但你原有的本性有在變嗎?只有你心里最清楚 ^.^